Jorge Salas

Jorge Salas - AttakPik


Jorge Salas is an American-born living on the Texas / Mexico border. Growing up, Jorge was exposed to the Mexican folk songs sung by his grandmothers. As Jorge went to school, he discovered rock n roll and the electric guitar. Listening to Carlos Santana, he was instantly inspired and fell in love with the fusion of rock and latin genres. Jorge currently has a degree in Commercial Music and has worked with many artists including Khalid, John Karpowich (Santana), Eric Boseman (Rhianna/Whitney Houston), Jamie Merrill, and many others. Jorge has also written and published two books: A Modern Guitar Workbook & 20 Licks for Guitar (both available on Amazon).

 Jorge is currently finishing his first full-length record, touring with Texas Country sensation, Damian Isacc Band, and mentoring new talent.

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